Monday, June 14, 2010

June's Garden

Today I've been digging and planting the June garden. This year I'm staggering my plantings a little bit more in the hopes of a longer harvest! I just planted the last eggplant ( I kid you not , the last one I'm planting this year and the last one at the garden center!) another Bonnies Best Tomato, and 3 more pots full of cucumber, squash and zucchini seeds! So far everything I planted in May is doing great and we've had eggplant, tomatoes and hopefully squash this week, the garlic and potatoes have been harvested (I have a large basketful of those blue potatoes) and will soon be braiding the garlic.

The alpacas are dealing with the heat as they have primitive air conditioning - a frozen container in front of a fan and a new kiddies pool - They don't know quite what to think of the pool yet but Henri feels it is his and stands with his 2 front feet in it to cool off.

Jake is the proud rooster father of one adorable chick we've named Crumpet ( we only let one egg incubate-)

And the rabbits are in my air conditioned studio growing long luxurious fiber for me to spin.

Me? I'm about as hot as the jalapeno in the photo after working on the deck garden...

Tonight it's Baked Japanese Eggplant with Herbs, fresh baked bread, tomato mozzarella salad and a glass of wine.

Baked Japanese eggplants w/ herbs ( adapted from The Cuisine of California by D. Rossen Worthington)

4 Japanese eggplants halved

1/2 cup chopped parsley, 1/2 red onion chopped, 2 large cloves garlic minced, 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil,1/3 cup olive oil, 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese, 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper.

preheat oven to 350.

Place eggplants in greased roasting pan and prick top so herbs penetrate.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix to a smooth paste, spread on eggplants

Bake for 40 - 45 minutes or until tender and lightly browned.

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