.......yesterday I went to the weekly afternoon farmers market with a friend ( this is not the one I participate in , but the one I've gone to for the past 10 years or so ) I usually just walk around and visit the vendors and run into people I know while my friend does a little shopping~ although I must confess there is a lady there that has great plants so on occasion I bring some of these home ~ back to the story, as we were standing in line for fresh tomatoes I couldn't help but begin to smile, it seemed as if everyone was picking up the tomatoes ( and all the other vegetables for that matter ) and inspecting them and then getting the perfect one meant for them....and I just thought to myself when you grow your own you are proud as a peacock of whatever comes off your plants or vines..heaven forbid it should ever be misshapen but if one is you just say to yourself look what this plant did!(and everyone else) and will rarely cast something you have grown to the side ( no matter what it looks like ) unless it truly is bad...picky, picky, picky....I'll let you know what happens to this tomato.
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