Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Rangers

Last Wed I picked up the 10 White Cornish Cross Chickens I had ordered and I have discovered they didn't read the manual. These birds are most famously know as the big breasted chickens you buy at the grocery and supposedly all they do is eat, sleep and poop and being of small minds are not suppose to want to do anything else. But I tell you this is the second group I've raised this year and they act pretty normal to me.( but then again they are treated the same as my heritage egg layers and owing to the fact that I have space limitations on my small farm this is the best choice for my meat production) I call them the "Rangers" as they are escaping the large chicken confinement several times a day to graze the wooded landscape for greens and insects...I'm enjoying them and can't bring myself to insist on their staying in ( even though I know the hawk may get them) 6 - 8 weeks is a short life and yes I want them happy and healthy...

One of my favorite ways to cook chicken is in the rotisserie with this rub. But you can slow bake in the oven at 325' until done....
This recipe comes from my George Foreman rotisserie manual and I think it's great!
Deli Rotisserie Chicken
1 4 -5 pound chicken, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsps, paprika,1 tsp chili powder, 1 tsp garlic powder,2 tsps black pepper, 1 teaspoon onion powder, 1 tsp dried thyme.
combine all spices in a bowl and mix well. Rub thoroughly over entire chicken, cover and refrigerate for a couple of hours or overnight. I set the rotisserie for 1 1/2 hours and check you know its done when juices run clear.

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